After receiving my Gym Boss interval timer in the mail today I went to the website for a quick review of the instructions. Once I had the timer set for the two intervals; a four minute run followed by a one minute walk I headed out the door for a 5k run. I had the timer set on high for the beeper and I also set it to vibrate. As I reached the end of my first four minute run interval, even though I was running on frozen snow I could hear the beep loud and clear over my crunching footsteps, I was disappointed however that I could not feel the vibration. Since I intend to use the alternate run/walk method for the half marathon next April I do not know if the beep will be loud enough for me to hear over the other runner’s footsteps as my hearing is not what it used to be ( I cannot hear my Timex Iron Man watch during a solo run). I will try this timer on New Years Eve at the Bethlehem PA first Night 5k as a trial “run” to see if the beep can be heard over the noise of the race. I ran a little slower today than my average time for the 5k however it may be due to running on the crunchy, slippery snow and not because of the run/walk procedure. I will give an up-date on my times once I have more timed runs using the Gym Boss. Overall for $20.00, I will give the Gym Boss a good grade; it has a strong clip and large numbers that are easy to see, along with a loud beep. The weak vibration is something I have read about from other users so maybe the manufacturer will correct this shortfall. As I was returning home I though of another use for the timer, once done with my run I am going to set it to beep at one minute intervals while I am stretching so I don’t have to count to sixty as I am completing my workout!
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